the topicality of this scientific work is coursed by the focus of modern phonetic studies on the comprehensive investigation of the problems of prosodic features of academic presentation. The purpose of the research is the identification of the invariant of prosodic model of the academic presentations by the experimental analysis of their prosodic features. Achieving this goal involves the following tasks: - to establish the status of the academic discourse; - to reveal the specifics of an academic public presentation; - to define the essence of prosody and its role in non-verbal communication; - to determine prosodic characteristics of academic presentation; -to identify the prosodic characteristics of public academic presentation. The object of the study is spoken actualization of the English academic public discourse. The subject of the work is functioning and interaction of prosodic means in the realization of English academic public presentation. The research material is represented by five lectures. These are introductory lectures of various academic courses. The lecturers are scholars and professors of different universities and colleges.