Research on the topic “Linguistic means of expressing “uncertainty” in modern English and Ukrainian languages: their semantic and pragmatic characteristics.” The course paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, general conclusions and a list of references.
The first chapter “Fundamental principles of the study of “uncertainty” in the message and linguistic means of its expression” (“Фундаментальні засади дослідження “невизначеності” у повідомленні та мовних засобів її вираження”) is theoretical. It examines the main provisions of pragmatics and the concept of world perception, reveals the concept of a sentence as a communicative unit and its main features, and also defines the concept of the modality of a sentence (in particular, its objective and subjective components, their features and means of expression). The second chapter “Semantic and pragmatic features of means of expressing “uncertainty” in modern English” (“Семантичні й прагматичні ознаки засобів вираження “невизначеності” в сучасній англійській”) is a
practical study. It presents an analysis of the peculiarities of the expression of
“uncertainty” in the verb and their formal differences in English.