Короткий опис(реферат):
The aim of our research is a comprehensive study of the system of English newspaper headlines: its pragmatic and discursive approaches.
The aim of this research predicts the fulfillment of the following objectives:
- to consider theoretical basis for investigation of journalistic discourse;
- to consider the problem of defining journalism, journalistic discourse and journalistic style;
- to reveal specifics of journalistic discourse of modern English press;
- to investigate newspaper journalistic sub-style;
- to analyze headline as a structural element of the text;
- to characterize semantics of English newspaper headlines;
- to make research of pragmalinguistic functions of English newspaper headlines.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The logic of research predetermined the structure of diploma’s project. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions to each chapter, general conclusions, list of references, list of illustration material, résumé, appendix.