The aim of this work is to show the specificity of cognitive linguistic
characteristics on Queen Elizabeth II‘s Speech to the British Parliament.
The aim of this study is achieved by the following tasks:
1) to substantiate the theoretical foundations of the study of political
discourse in Great Britain;
2) analyze the specifics of British political discourse, throne speech and its
main features;
3) to analyze the methodology of political linguistics, the political discourse
of Great Britain in the cognitive aspect, the British conceptual picture of the world
and the key concepts of the throne speech of the Queen;
4) to study the linguistic aspects of the throne speech of Queen Elizabeth II:
lexical and semantic linguistic means, morphological and syntactic verbalizers,
stylistic functions of linguistic means in the throne speeches of the queen.
Compositionally, the paper consists of the introduction, three chapters,
conclusions to each chapter and general conclusions to the whole paper, the list of
references, the list of illustrative material, appendix and resume.
In the Introduction, the paper presents the object and the subject of the
investigation, underlines the topicality of the problem under study, mentions the
novelty of the conducted research, sets the main aim and the tasks by which it is
achieved, and presents the methods of research used in the work.
Chapter One presents general theoretical aspects of the study of political
discourse in Great Britain and the features of British political discourse, throne
speech and its main characteristics.
Chapter Two considers methodology of political linguistics, political
discourse of Great Britain in the cognitive aspect, the British conceptual picture of
the world and key concepts of the Queen‘s throne speech.
Chapter Three makes a survey of lexical and semantic linguistic means,
morphological and syntactic verbalizers, stylistic functions of linguistic means in
the throne speeches of the queen.
Conclusions summarize the main points of the thesis and provide topics for
further investigation.