The main aim of the Diploma Paper is toinvestigate and to classify indirect speech acts.To achieve the aim, the following objectives should be fulfilled:1) to investigate communication and its main functions;2) to identify the notion of discourse;3) to study dialogical discourse and its main features;4) to investigate pragmatics asthe study of the relation of linguistic units to people who communicate;5) to identify spheres of interest of pragmatics;6) to study speech act theory;7) to explore performative verbs and three levels of action beyond the act of utterance;8) to investigate classification of speech acts;9) to identify syntactic form,functions and major characteristicsof indirect speech acts;10) to discover reasons for speakers to use indirect speech acts;11) to reveal possible structuresof indirect speech acts;12) to investigateindirect speech acts with positive and negative meanings;13) to study decoding the meaning of indirect speech acts;14) to analyze communicative failures;15) to work out classification of indirect directives