The main aimof the Diploma Paper is to find, investigate and analyze violation of the conversational maxims in Modern English discourse by studying and analyzing the script of the film“Charlie and the chocolate factory”. To achieve the aim, there are severalobjectiveswhichshould be fulfilled:1)to study the main issuesof the pragmatics as a branch oflinguistics;2)toinvestigate the role of natural communicationin linguistics;3)to point outdifferent classification of speech acts;4)to studyGrice’s theory of implicature and to demonstrate how it effects communication;5)to investigate different ideas for the cooperative principle;6)to study means of realizing humour and point out its types;7)to survey the violation of the conversational maxims in speech;8)to examinehowhumorouseffectis created by floutingthe maximsof the cooperative principle