The aimof the study lies in thepragmatic potential ofemotion evoking strategiesin Modern Englishadvertisingdiscourse.The object of the paperis emotion evoking in Modern Englishadvertising discourse.The subject of the paper is the intentional organization andperlocutionary effect of emotion evoking strategies in Modern Englishadvertising discourse.The objectives of the studyinvolve:1. Outlining corelations between the categories of “emotivity”and “emotionality”:2. Providing an inventory of linguistic means of expressingemotions;3. Analyzing emotions as discursive practices;4. Definingthe concept of advertising discourse,indicatingits functions and characteristics;5. Characterizingthe structure of advertising discourse;6. Highlightinglingualfeatures of advertising texts;7. Studyingcommunicative strategies of advertising;8. Analyzingnegative emotionselicitingin different types of advertising;9. Analyzingpositive emotionselicitingin different types of advertising.