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Kyiv National Linguistic University

Translation Peculiarities of the English vocabulary of family law into Ukrainian Language

Show simple item record Боровик, Аліса Максимівна 2023-05-28T08:32:57Z 2023-05-28T08:32:57Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Боровик А. М. Translation Peculiarities of the English vocabulary of family law into Ukrainian Language : курсова робота з перекладу / А. М. Боровик ; наук. кер. Л. В. Козяревич-Зозуля ; Київ. нац. лінгв. ун-т. - К., 2023. - 34 с. en_US
dc.description.abstract The Ukrainian language has its own unique linguistic characteristics and cultural influences that can greatly impact the translation of the English vocabulary of family law. The translation of legal terms and concepts related to family law requires a high level of cultural and linguistic understanding in order to accurately convey the intended meaning. This is particularly important in the field of family law, as even minor inaccuracies in translation can have serious consequences in terms of legal rights and responsibilities. In this discussion, we will explore the peculiarities of Ukrainian language translation of the English vocabulary of family law, including differences in terminology, cultural attitudes, and legal systems. By understanding these nuances, we can ensure that the translation of family law terminology is accurate and culturally appropriate. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Translation Peculiarities of the English vocabulary of family law into Ukrainian Language en_US
dc.title.alternative Особливості перекладу українською мовою англійської лексики сімейного права (на матеріалі юридичної літератури) en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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